Headteacher's Welcome
I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher at St Mary's, working with a highly skilled and dedicated team of teachers and support staff to provide an exciting, inclusive and challenging curriculum. The school is a two-form entry primary with nursery and two-year-old provision.
Our strap line 'Encourage, Enrich, Enable' underpins our Christian ethos and we strive to help our children to reach their full potential in all areas of the curriculum. The whole school vision is underpinned by the parable of 'The Good Samaritan', ensuring every decision is driven by the act of kindness and support for all.
Mrs Linda Wright, Headteacher
Read MoreOur Vision Statement
RooRooted in the Christian faith and embracing all within the community, we encourage, enrich and enable everyone to be the best they can be.
The '3Es' underpin all we do and are built on the Christian values of Respect, Peace, Courage, Trust, Forgiveness & Friendship which enable our children to become lifelong learners whilst having a mutual respect for all.
The parable of the Good Samaritan offer all members of our school family the biblical underpinning to 'Go and do likewise' (Luke 10: 25-37).
Click here to see our pupil voice.
Our Aims
We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of life through the provision of a curriculum which is broad, balanced and challenging in a caring, secure environment.
We promote the belief that the Personal and Social Education of the child is the joint responsibility of both parents and school.
Our school is at the heart of the community and aims to fulfil its core purpose of serving all members.
Year Groups
At Riddlesden St Marys we recognise the importance of your child’s start to their learning journey and we aim to offer a fantastic start to school life.
Our Nursery provides a stimulating and nurturing environment which offers rich opportunities for investigative, imaginative and creative play.
We learn through a combination of self-initiated play and adult directed tasks which helps to promote independent learning. Through carefully planned topics, a well-resourced environment and an inspiring team we fully immerse children in their learning.
During our time in Reception we have lots of exciting visits and visitors.
We went to Manor Heath Park and Jungle experience where we saw lots of creatures and got the chance to get up close to them!We explore our local area and make the most of our fantastic school grounds. Here you can see us exploring our allotment area and noting down signs of spring. Joel, our gardener, works with us every week to help us learn about living things. We have our own garden where we grow a range of flowers, fruits and vegetables that our kitchen.
Year 1
During our time in Year One we have lots of exciting visits and visitors.
We went to Church, Cliffe Castle, The Forbidden Corner and numerous trips around our local area. We’ve also been lucky enough to have a visit from a Google Expedition Leader who came to take us on a journey around the world.
We went to the North Pole, under the sea and on safari all in the comfort of our classroom. Year one were very fortunate to have Ben from the FA come into teach PE for an entire half term. We learnt how to control and dribble footballs and even collect merits to win a trophy at the end.
Year 2
Hello from the year 2 team. Year 2 is such an exciting time for the children of Riddlesden St Mary’s.
They are encouraged to explore more independent learning, and to reflect upon their own work.
They will begin apply their blossoming skills through lots of interesting, cross-curricular topics. We regularly take the children's learning out into our amazing school grounds making use of our onsite woods, ponds and gardens. We also link their learning to real-life experiences, such as a trip to The Forbidden Corner or a visit to Cliffe Castle.
Year 3
The transition from year 2 to year 3 is managed effectively to establish your child’s confidence and independence.
This is achieved through a happy, stimulating learning environment where excellent staff and resources ensure the children achieve their potential.
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Year 4
All about Year 4
In year 4, the children get to take part in solving different problems!This year the children got the opportunity to take a visit to a local supermarket to take part in some maths challenges linked to money. Children are challenged through various problems which enables them to use different areas of maths to solve problems. The ultimate times table challenge is carried out weekly to improved mental maths skills. The children love trying to beat their own top score!
"I like solving problems that make me think about all the different things I have learnt in maths" Suliman
Year 5
Year 5 at Riddlesden St. Mary’s brings many opportunities for our children to explore and flourish both in the classroom and in the wider community.
Our school values of respect, trust, courage, peace, forgiveness and friendship underpin everything we do.
Learning is enhanced through practical approaches, engaging topics and linking everything to the world around us – giving children a deep and broad understanding of how learning fits into their lives. All learning journeys are structured around a carefully chosen termly theme / topic meaning that the children have a chance to become fully immersed in the subject matter, study in depth to create deep and meaningful understanding and also encourage opportunities to learn in a range of varied and creative styles.
Year 6
In Year 6 at Riddlesden St. Mary’s we promote a love of learning.
This year is a time for children to shine where all their hard work and dedication throughout primary school is showcased.In English and Maths, teachers create a bespoke curriculum to maximise learning opportunities for each and every child. Our ethos ensures that all pupils are equipped with the belief that they can and will succeed. All learners are fully engaged and actively strive to reach their full potential.
As children are so well prepared, Key Stage 2 SATs becomes a positive and enjoyable experience which is seen as an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate their learning and hard work. Children explore other subjects through a broad and balanced curriculum; this provides them with creative opportunities to apply their English and Maths skills.