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Our Autumn 2 Journey


Gardening with Joel.

Today Joel came to help us plant some bulbs which in Spring will have turned into beautiful daffodils. We created our own flower pictures using oil colours. We also went for a walk around school, and tried some yummy vegetables from schools allotment. We've had such a lovely day.



Diwali day. 

To celebrate Diwali the whole school joined together for a magical Diwali day. We created Diwali cards for our families and friends who celebrate Diwali, created Diva lamps, and danced to some beautiful music. We had so much fun learning all about Diwali, including why and who celebrates the festival.



Bonfire night.

To celebrate Bonfire night we created our own firework pictures with glitter, neon paints and coloured sand. We watched some fireworks on the TV and made our own fireworks using our bodies and mouths to create the sounds. 




 Remembrance Day. 

Today we remember all those brave people who were in the war. We created our own poppies, learnt why Remembrance Day is so special and took part in a 2 minutes silence. 



Colour Monster.

Throughout the year we are looking at the story 'Colour Monster' and how the book can help us express our emotions. To begin with we are looking at the colour yellow, which represents happiness. We sat in a circle and talked about what things/ who make us happy. 



Interfaith week. 

This week it is interfaith week. We have been looking at different religions and learning all about them. Today Mrs Khan came in to teach us all about Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic religion.



Our book over the next couple of weeks is 'Autumn.' We are currently learning all about what happens during the season Autumn. We are going on a weekly Autumn walk around the school to look at the differences that we see, including what happens to the leaves on the trees. We have created our own autumn crowns using leaves and leaf people. Stay tuned to see what else we get up during this topic.


 Christmas 2024

What an exciting December we have had. On the 1st December we walked in to Tadpoles class to see it had been changed into Santa's post office. We could wrap presents, write cards and send them. During Advent we had a special visitor called 'Twinke.' Every morning she dropped off a different book for us to read as a class. We created cards, made baubles, sang songs and learnt all about the true meaning of Christmas. 

Have a wonderful Christmas to all those celebrating.