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Our Autumn Term 1 Journey

Curriculum web: 

curriculum web aut 1.pdf

Homework web:

homework web aut 1.pdf

Spelling booklets:

Group 1:

year 3 spellings group 1 y3 spellings .pdf

 Group 2:

year 3 spellings group 2 y2 spellings .pdf


This half term, our key text is Stone Age Boy. Watch the video to listen to the full story!


We used our prediction skills to make predictions on what we thought the story was going to be about using clues from the story.

Here are some of our predictions...

 "I predict they are hunting animals to eat."

"I predict they are making sharp, pointy tools to catch some fish."

 "I think they are going to teach him things about the Stone Age."

Freeze frame when Om and the boy first met...

Then, to my relief, I saw someone- a girl. She was about my age, but she didn't look like any of the girls I knew. And I don't think I looked like any of the boys she knew.





 Year 3 place value knowledge organiser:

0 place value knowledge organiser.pdf

 Practise counting in 3s!


 Practise counting in 4s!


Place value- We have been finding the value of each digit in a 3-digit number. We used dienes and place value counters to help us!


Addition and subtraction-  We have been adding and subtracting using resources to support our knowledge and understanding of the column method. 


We will be moving onto multiplication and division- any practise at home would be great!


This half term, we are learning about The Stone Age. Watch the video to find out why it was called the Stone Age! What other facts can you find out from this video?


We have been learning about Stone Age food and cave paintings! 

Let's say...that we are hunters and gathers. Which tools will we need to hunt our food? How will we travel? How will we surprise our prey?




This half term, we are learning about light. Here is our knowledge organiser which tells you what we will be learning about this half term. 

knowledge organiser.pdf

We investigated reflective surfaces...


Here are some more mirror activities that you could try at home!

mirror activities.pdf



This half term in RE, our big question is; What is it like for someone to follow God. Here is our knowledge organiser which tells you what we will be learning about this half term. 

0 ko what is it like for someone to follow god.pdf

Hot seating...

We thought of some questions that we would like to ask Noah:

"How did you survive?"

"How did you build the ark?"

"Were you worried that you wouldn't  have enough food?"

"What made you trust God?"

"How did you find all the animals?