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Year 6

In Year 6 at Riddlesden St. Mary’s we promote a love of learning.

This year is a time for children to shine where all their hard work and dedication throughout primary school is showcased.

In English and Maths, teachers create a bespoke curriculum to maximise learning opportunities for each and every child. Our ethos ensures that all pupils are equipped with the belief that they can and will succeed. All learners are fully engaged and actively strive to reach their full potential.

As children are so well prepared, Key Stage 2 SATs becomes a positive and enjoyable experience which is seen as an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate their learning and hard work. Children explore other subjects through a broad and balanced curriculum; this provides them with creative opportunities to apply their English and Maths skills. The Year 6 pupils here at St. Mary’s act as outstanding role models in all aspects of school life thanks to our value-driven philosophy. Staff ensure children are well prepared, well rounded and ready to take on the challenges of secondary school.

In addition to the curriculum, our Year 6 staff plan a variety of opportunities for children to learn and grow outside the classroom.

These include:

  • Drama projects: Drama is a large part of Year 6 especially in the final summer term when preparing for the children’s final performance. Pupils are encouraged to develop their acting, singing and dancing skills in order to pull out all the stops for our spectacular end of year show.
  • Leadership prospects: Year 6 pupils are considered ambassadors for the school and are often given additional roles and responsibilities throughout school including: leading collective worship, working in the office and acting as tour guides for visitors.
  • Ramadan celebration day: A whole day centred around the festival of Ramadan where all pupils, no matter their faith, are encouraged to reflect on the festival of Ramadan and its importance.
  • Fantastic Trip: Children visit the beautiful East coast and explore geography in action exploring the physical geography of the beach and brigg. Plus investigating human geography and both the positive and negative impact of tourism.

Year 6 is a challenging year group however it is one where our children thrive thanks to the dedication and hard work of pupils and staff alike.