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Riddlesden St. Mary’s Computing lead is Miss Halliday (Year 5 Teacher).

Computing at RSM

Computing is a fast paced and exciting subject that allows everyone to develop their understanding of technology in a world where it’s uses grow and develop each day. At Riddlesden St Mary’s, we know that all of our children live in a digital world and that their interactions with technology will grow exponentially year on year; we work hard to ensure that the children are equipped to tackle challenges and keep themselves safe.

Through access to cutting edge equipment and software, we work to ensure that all children become critical thinkers who are able to solve problems and develop their understanding of how computing and technology can support them in other areas of the curriculum or their daily lives.

Computing strategy

computing strategy 25.pdf


Our Long Term Plan

At Riddlesden St. Mary's we currently follow Purple Mash computing for our computing curriculum. 

Each subject within the computing curriculum comes under the umbrella of the following three key areas:

  • Digital literacy – the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create and communicate information (yellow).
  • Information technology – the ability to create, retrieve and manipulate digital content, and to understand how computers and the internet work (blue).
  • Computer science – the ability to understand how computers work as machines; this includes understanding programming (coding), algorithms and variables (red).

Note: each of the colours above corresponds to the colours of each topic in our Long Term plans below. 

purple mash ltp.pdf

Progression in computing at RSM

rsm computing progression document.pdf

 Adaptive teaching

adaptations in computing.pdf

 Action plan

action plan computing 2024 2026.pdf

Computing club

During Spring 1, we will be starting a computing club where selected children are able to explore computing as a result of being selected for showing passion for the subject. Check back to see what we get up to!

 Future computing at RSM

 In Year 5 this year, we will be exploring the National Centre for Computing Education’s ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum with a view to have all classes move to this new and exciting curriculum at the beginning of the next academic year. This curriculum will also allow us to make links with one of our local secondary schools, allowing the progression from primary to secondary computing to be more streamlined for lots of our students.