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Year 4

All about Year 4


In year 4, the children get to take part in solving different problems!

Last year, children were challenged through various problems which enabled them to use different areas of maths to solve problems. The ultimate times table challenge battle on TT Rocks was carried out weekly to improve mental maths skills - something that will continue this year! The children really enjoy trying to beat their own top score!


The children read a wide selection of books throughout the year.

They delve deep into the book to find out more about the different characters and settings. Exciting reading and writing opportunities allow the children to enjoy various books and become more imaginative writers.

Through debating, the children develop their speaking and listening skills and they are able to share their own thoughts and opinions.


Science lessons are always full of investigations and experiments to make exploring different scientific concepts fun!.

Children learn about; sound, electricity, teeth and the digestive system and much more!


Last year, the children explored the Ancient Egyptians, the Anglo - Saxons and marvellous musicians! The children really enjoy getting creative through designing and creating various products, such as; musical instruments and ancient Egyptian jewellery. 

Easter performance

The children in year 4 perform the Easter story to the rest of the school and to family and friends.

Through performing the story, the children are able to develop their confidence as they perform and sing in front of a large audience. Last year, the children received incredible feedback as they read their lines off by heart using a loud and clear voice, they sang with passion, and showed fantastic acting skills. We are looking forward to putting on another Easter performance later in the academic year.