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Riddlesden St Mary

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome from the Y5 teachers 2023-2024


Year 5 Team



Robin Class:

Mrs Armitage (Class Teacher)

Mrs Walton (Learning Support)

Mrs Rashid (Learning Support)

Mrs Jabeen (Learning Support)



Kingfisher Class

 Miss Stephenson (Class Teacher)

Mrs Rashid (Learning Support)

Mrs Jabeen (Learning Support)

Members of Pupil Parliament 


To be updated soon.


Important Information: 


PE day:

Both Robins and Kingfishers have PE on a Tuesday with Mr Butt. Children will need to come to school in their PE kits.

Library Day:

Every Thursday children from both classes will have access to the school library, to take 1 book home to read. This book can then be brought back the following week and changed, if they have finished.

Daily Schedule: 

Start of Day: 8:30 am

Break time: 10:45 am

Lunch time: 12:15

Home Time: 2:45 

The morning for Y5 is quite long, please feel free to send your child with a healthy snack for break (fruit/cereal bar). 


Swimming for Y5 will start on the week beginning 18th September and will be every Wednesday. Children need to ensure they have the correct swimming kit. 

After School Clubs:

Various after school clubs will be available throughout the year, sometimes being offered to select groups at a time. If your child is attending a club that requires PE kit, then they may come to school dressed in their kit - as long as this follows the PE kit dress code.


Reading books:

Children will be able to take home 2 reading books this year. One from the School Library and one from the Y5 Class Library. Y5 books can be changed in class at anytime and should be taken home to read. The School Library book can be changed on each classes' chosen day. 

Children should read at home at least 3 times a week. Either to an adult or independently. This information should be written in their reading record, which should be brought into school every Friday.



The children  will receive their spellings for the half term in a booklet and will take these home to learn. They will then be tested on these on a Friday. They will also have a copy to practice their spellings within school. 


Year 5 Non-Negotiables 

  • The correct uniform and footwear should be worn at all times. 
  • Weekly spellings  will need to practised for  their test on a Friday.
  • The expectation will be that children read at least 3 times a week at home and record this in their reading journal. This can be done independently as well as with an adult / older sibling.  
  • Children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 and be able to recall these facts at a rapid pace.  All children have log ins for TTR and PurpleMash.