School Uniform shop
We run a PTA School uniform shop, this enables our families to donate items in good condition and other parents are able to purchase them for low prices and fundraise all at the same time. Our next 'Pop-up' School uniform shop date is...
Upcoming events
All money raised goes into out PTA funds which support school in giving children lots of extra experiences.
We have recently funded our new sports kit which our children wear with pride.
One of our current projects is to provide a bike track to support the existing work already taking place. Exciting.
We also support small projects throughout the year. Keep a check on our Facebook page to see what we have been up to.
Our PTA is ready to spring into action this half term planning events and surprises for this year.
Our next meeting date will be confirmed via school Ping.
We always welcome new members so if you have a spare hour and would like to come along and find out a bit more then please pop in that day. Please get in touch with the main office to find out more.