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Welcome to Reception

We are a 60 place open plan provision based Early Years Unit. 

Meet the Team

Miss Ash is the Early Years Lead

There are two classes, which are named Ducks and Swans. 

The teacher in Swans Class is Miss Halliday.

The teachers in Ducks Class are Miss Ash and Mr Midgley.


Other adults in Reception are Mrs Hamid and Mrs Bhardwaj


Mrs Stewart and Miss Southwart will support some children in 'The Den'


Class emails

You can contact us via our class email address

We love to find out about what children have been getting up to out of school.

Important Information


Reception will not start PE until after October half term, you will receive a letter prior to this to allow you to purchase PE kit. 


Children must bring their reading folder to school every Thursday. Their reading book will be changed and then sent home again on a Friday. Please share this book at home with your child. As we progress throughout the year children will learn the sounds that letters make and the books we send home will match the phonics sounds your child has learnt and they will be able to read the words in these books.

Children will visit the Library every Thursday and will select a 'reading for pleasure' book to take home with them on a Friday. Please share this book with your child, it is a chance for your child to enjoy a story being read to them and to develop a love of reading. Children may want to use the pictures to retell the story themselves. 


Children have daily phonics lessons and are introduced to letter sounds and tricky words in a sequential order. These will be sent home weekly and it is important children practise recognising and writing these letter sounds and tricky words.

Please ensure correct pronunciation when practising these sounds at home, we will be creating some videos to support with this.

Personal belongings

Please ensure all items of clothing are named. 

Children need to bring a named water bottle to school everyday.

We will visit the forest throughout the year and access our outdoor area in all weather, having a pair of wellies in school would be ideal. 

The Reception Environment

 Coming soon! 

Class Charter

We want everyone to be ready, respectful and safe. The children will explore what this looks like in Reception as the year goes on.