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Our Autumn 1 Journey

 Welcome Tadpoles (: 

Since starting back on Wednesday 4th September, the Tadpoles have had the most exciting time. Tadpoles have spent the first two weeks of their school journey exploring the different areas of the classroom, including creating huge castles in the indoor and outdoor sand pits. Splashing, scooping and pouring water, as well as making lots of bubbles in the water area. Becoming builders in the construction area to build houses, fix broken buses, create humongous towers and hammer away at nails. 

Glitter, glue, and pom poms are a favourite at the create area. We now have lots of fantastic pictures on the walls, making our classroom bright and colourful. Animals, cars, and dinosaurs have taken over the small world area, as well as the classroom, and Miss Barber has been given lots of yummy role play food that the children have made in the role play kitchen. 

Every other week we will be singing a different Nursery Rhyme, and reading a fabulous short story. This week and next week its 'Goat goes to playgroup' and singing 'Twinkle twinkle little star.'


A bit lost.

Tadpoles have had a really exciting couple of weeks exploring the book 'A bit lost.'
The class enjoy joining in with some key phrases and actions, as well as learning all about the different animals linked to the book. During provision they have created their own owl pictures using feathers, googly eyes and crepe paper. They also created their own owls at the playdough table, developing their fine motor skills. Today they made bird nests out of cooked pasta in the messy area tray. To end learning around this book the children retold the story in the woods, and found mummy owl.