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Our Summer 2 Journey

topic web overview summer 2 dinosaurs.pdf


 Week 1 and 2 - World Ocean Week

We are learning all about being custodians of our planet! Taking care of planet Earth, our seas and creatures and taking care of each other. We have explored 2 texts around this. The Odd Fish by James Jones and We are Here by Oliver Jeffers.

The children enjoyed discussing why it is important to save the Earth. Here are our ideas.

"When I am 5 I will go on an adventure to save the seas" Uzayr

"Custodians are the people who protect our Earth, that's our job" Monty

"Plastic in the oceans is killing the creatures" Florence

"Sharks are lovely I want to save them because they are my favourite" Ezra

We created posters to raise awareness.





We enjoyed exploring our ocean tray with a variety of creatures.

We also explored kindness and compared ourselves to The Good Samaritan, we used the book We are Here by Oliver Jeffers to learn how to be kind to all. That included people, animals and the planet Earth. We created our own giant world and filled it with special places and people. 



The children have enjoyed learning about our planet and why it is so special. They have learned ways in which they can help to make our planet a better place for all. 

Some of our children celebrated Eid during the 2nd week, We discussed how important food is as part of a celebration, so in Frogs class Mrs Iqbal gave everyone a lesson in how to make chappatis. The children made them and then made their very own garlic butter to dip them in. They tasted delicious.



We finished off by sharing the story Chappatti Moon. 

We finished off our 2nd week by going for our Summer walk and exploring our beautiful grounds, collecting herbs for us to use in our playdough and flowers to make our classroom smell beautiful. 



We have had a wonderful first 2 weeks of our Summer term. We are looking forward to more adventures over the next 4 weeks. 

Week 3 - Dinosaurs have arrived!

We had an exciting letter with  a picture of a gigantic egg. We discussed what could be inside.

"It might be a giant chick" - Suleman      "It could be a human" - Uzayr

"I think it's a unicorn" - Liana 

  "Its a dinosaur because they are big and the egg is massive" Ezra 

The next day the egg had hatched and a giant bone appeared, once again we thought about who the bone could belong to.

Once again the children shared their ideas

"Dinosaurs because they have gigantic bones" - Qasim

"It must be a big cow or a horse" - Maneha

"It must be a dinosaur, maybe a t rex because they were the biggest of all"

We decided to become palaeontologists and explore bones in more detail. 



We celebrated dinosaurs and found out all about them, key facts, names and how they lived. We also shared our theories around what happened to them. 

"They were killed by a volcano" - Ezra

"They all ate each other" - Rayaan


We enjoyed stories around dinosaurs and we discovered that dinosaurs liked biscuits so we decorated some biscuits to eat at our dinosaur disco. 





We finished our 2 weeks with a dinosaur disco to celebrate all things dinosaur.

Week 5 and 6

We started our final 2 weeks with an exciting visit from Ian's Mobile Farm. He came along with his menagerie of animals and the children were so excited to learn all about how to care for them. We were given the opportunity to stroke and pet the smaller animals and to brush the bigger animals. We even learned that alpacas communicate with each other by humming so we practiced that and now we can all speak alpaca.