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Our Summer 1 Journey

Here is our curriculum web for this half term. 

eyfs curriculum overview reception summer 1.pdf


Don't forget to have a go at completing our '10 things to do at home.' You can email us a photograph


10 things to do at home summer 1.pdf

 Tadpole's Promise

This half term our theme is The Pond and Beyond and our focus story is Tadpole's Promise. 

We have been finding out about the life-cycle of a butterfly and a frog. To help us with this we have our very own caterpillars and tadpoles in class, we are learning how to care for them to help them with their metamorphosis This is a word we have been learning about, ask us at home to tell you about this word! 




Check out these amazing videos!


Click the link below to watch a video of the story. 


We were so excited to see the change in our tadpoles, they started to change colour and grow bigger and then we noticed... THEY HAD BACK LEGS!!!!!

Photographs coming soon!

Look at some of our wonderful writing!

Photographs coming soon!

 'Getting Busy' Outdoors 

We have been doing a lot of noticing outdoors, we have noticed the weather start to change and flowers begin to grow. We were especially impressed with the blossom in our school carpark so decide to create some observational drawings of the blossom tree. 

Here we are enjoying our wonderful outdoors. 

 Clay Pot Project 

Reception children have been working hard on their clay pot project. Taking inspiration from Rhian Malin they first made their design before using clay to form the shape and add details (some of us even added handles to make a tea-cup) Finally, we painted our creations white before adding blue patterns. We are sure you'll agree, our final products are impressive!!!

 RE- Why is the word God so important to Christians? 

We have been exploring this question. 

Some people say God and some people say Allah.


God sent lots of messages to Earth and Christians want to know about God.


Because God made the world.

First we heard the Godly Play version of the Creation Story. Mrs Hesslewood who is a Godly Play practitioner shared this story with us. 

We found out that many Christians believe that God is the giver of life. We thought about everything he had given life to and wondered about jellyfish. Some of us thought God created jellyfish to project the ocean, some of us thought perhaps God liked the idea of a jellyfish. We used some jelly to imagine how a jellyfish might feel.


We enjoyed making our own jellyfish and while it was exciting- we realised we could not give them life as God had done. 

We used the resources to set up the wonderful world. 


We found out that Adam, the human that God had made had the important job of naming all of the animals and looking after the world. We know that we can help showing care too. Here is what we thought. 


Take care of animals.


Pick up the litter and rubbish.


Look after our friends and family.

 We worked with some children in Y6 to go litter picking. 

 Save the Bees!

 Did you know that it was 'World Bee Day' on 20th May? Reception children spent a week finding out more about what this means. 

We were excited to have a visit from a local bee keeper, she brought honey with her which we tasted. We found out exactly how honey bees make honey and enjoyed reading the book 'The Honey Bee', you can listen to the story here. 

Coming soon!



We found out that bee's are in danger and we wanted to help! We made a video to send to the rest of school, with some key facts about bee's and how to help save them.




 We used the honey gifted to us by the bee keeper and made some honey biscuits. 

Coming soon!