School Uniform
School uniform School uniform is an important part of school life.
Children are actively encouraged to wear their uniform with pride and continue to be a good role model outside of school, especially whilst representing Riddlesden St Mary’s. Our PTA have a pre-loved uniform shop with lots of high quality items on offer for a small donation. Please follow this link to find out more Riddlesden St Mary's - PTA
Our school uniform is:
- Jade Green polo shirt.
- Black or grey trousers/skirt/shalwar kameez
- Girls – black/white socks or black tights.
- Boys – dark socks
- Sensible footwear.
- Navy sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo.
In summer:
- Navy blue and white or green and white checked summer dresses may be worn.
- School shorts can be also be worn during the summer term.
The full range of uniform is available from Whittakers Schoolwear in Keighley.
Click here to see the full range from Whittakers Schoolwear
Click here to find out how to purchase uniform from Whittakers Schoolwear
PE uniform
All children will need to come to school in their PE kit on their PE day/s. This is:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Navy joggers
- School 'house' hoodie. These can now also be purchased from Whitakers Schoolwear
These items do not need to have the school logo on and are readily available from all major supermarkets. All children will need to wear plain black trainers.
The school follows Health and Safety regulations set down by the Local Authority.
In line with our ethos of respecting all faiths, we recognise that some parents may wish their children to wear jewellery in accordance with their cultural beliefs and practice. We would respectfully ask that parents consider the Health and Safety implications and take on full liability for any incidents that may occur whilst in school. For safety reasons, we ask that rings, bracelets and necklaces are not worn in school.
If children have had their ears pierced, only studs can be worn. If a child comes to school in hooped earrings, they will be asked to removed them. If they are unable to do this, parents will be informed that a member of staff who is first aid trained will remove them and keep them safe until the end of the school day. Hooped earrings must not be worn in school.
By following this guidance, we also hope to avoid the added problems of loss.