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Riddlesden St Mary’s History leader is Miss Pearce.


‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history’ 

(Martin Luther King, Jr.)


At Riddlesden St Mary’s, our engaging, progressive and creative history curriculum ensures that our children gain the knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It will inspire children’s curiosity to delve deeper and explore significant aspect of history which has shaped our lives today.  Our children will be encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. The content of our history curriculum will help pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. This relates strongly to our core values at Riddlesden St Mary’s.


Foundation Strategy

foundation strategy 2024 2025.pdf


History Yearly Overview



history yearly overview at riddlesden st mary.pdf


 History Progression Document 


new rsm history progression document 1 .pdf


History Adaptive Teaching Mat

history adaptive teaching mat.pdf


History Action Plan

action plan history 2024 2026.pdf

History Afterschool Club - Autumn 1 2024

During Autumn 1, children from each year group (Year 1 - 6) took part in a 4 week afterschool club with Miss Pearce. Each child had the opportunity to deepen their love for history by questioning and exploring historical events which are not covered by our curriculum. We looked at the Wild West, created unique mosaics and mummified our friends.




Bonfire night/ Guy Fawkes 5th November 2024

Throughout school, children learnt about the Gunpowder plot and who Guy Fawkes was. The children enjoyed taking part in different activities such as drama and art. We also discussed the importance of safety around fireworks.




(Year 2)



(Year 3)



Remembrance Week  11th- 15th November 2024

This week, we linked History and English to create a piece of writing for Remembrance day. The children took part in a 'Let's say...'  where they could explore and broaden their imagination based on an image. Afterwards each year group created a piece of writing from what they learnt.

Whole school write


(Year 2)


(Year 3)


(Year 4)