Our Autumn 1 Journey
View our curriculum web to see what we will be learning this half term.
View our homework activities for this half term linked to our topics. We're sure the children will enjoy completing these and look forward to showcasing their work.
autumn 1 home learning web.pdf
Charlie Cook's favourite book
During our first week back at school, we explored the book 'Charlie Cook's favourite book' which was written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Sheffler. In Year 5, we explored a range of Julia's books to help us identify all of the key things that make a great children's book.
We were then tasked with choosing one of the books and creating a presentation to convince our Early Years Team to add it to their curriculum! Have a peak at some of our Powerpoints below!
The man who walked between the towers
For the remainder of this half term, our English learning will be focussing on the book 'The man who walked between the towers' by Mordicai Gerstein. This will link with our Geography learning of famous buildings around the world.
Reading phase
During the reading phase, we made predictions about what we thought the story would be about from a range of picture clues. We thought that the clues suggested the man was a criminal and that maybe he had stolen something precious from the church. Some of us predicted that he was dangerous.
We then read our class text and learned all about the life, and amazing exploits of, Phillipe Petit - a man who used a wire to walk between the North and South Tower of the World Trade Centre.
We continued our work by using a 'let's say' to explore what this event would have been like for the average person living in New York. We thought about what our jobs would be and how we would feel if we saw Phillipe step from the edge of the tower.
We will be using this to help us write recounts from different points of view.
Our unit this half term is all about famous buildings from around the world. We will be exploring maps and atlases, as well as identifying and locating famous buildings from around the world.
To begin our unit of learning, we explored our local maps and the Keighley area. We explored a range of images of famous buildings from Keighley to see if we could recognise any of them that we have seen before.
1 do you know any of these places.pdf
We spent some time exploring the word 'amenities' and worked together to identify the amenities we have here in Riddlesden.
We will now be moving further out and focussing on buildings around the world.
In Maths this half term, we will be focussing on some elements of place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.
During place value, we developed our understanding of:
- numbers to 1,000,000
- What each digit is worth in a number
- Ordering and comparing numbers to 1,000,000
During addition and subtraction, we developed our understanding of:
- adding and subtracting larger numbers using the column method
- Adding and subtracting numbers mentally
- Understanding worded problems and questions with more than 1 step.
In Science this half term, we will be focussing on Forces. We will be exploring the different forces that impact our lives through a range of investigations.
In our first lesson, we explored the concept of gravity. We worked as table groups to make a range of parachutes to test gravity and air resistance. We found that the larger parachutes had more air resistance and so they were able to fight the force of gravity and descend slower.

Our value for this half term is Respect.