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Welcome to Tadpoles

Meet the Team

The staff who work in our 2 Year Old Provision:


                                                    Miss Barber- Two year old lead.     



LSA's- Mrs Iqbal, Mrs Ahktar, Miss Hussain, Mrs Liqat. 

A typical day in Tadpoles

 When the children arrive at Tadpoles they have the option to get busy and explore with all the different toys and activities set out for them, including messy play, playing in the sand, water or play dough table. They also have the option of playing in the different areas around the room, including construction area, math's area, sensory area, reading area and the role play kitchen. The children have the opportunities to try new foods throughout the year and learn through experiences.


Everyday rain or shine the children play outside underneath the shelter, and throughout the year the children take part in many adventures around the school grounds and explore the different environments.  We have our own vegetable patch were we grown our own vegetables as well as our own herb garden in the edible garden.


Each week the children have something new and exciting planned for them to help with their development. Each child also has a online learning journal which is where you the parent will find their personal observations, these observations are taken when a child shows a 'wow' moment, whether it be the fact they have learnt new numbers, drawn a fantastic picture or just something incredible that wows the teachers. Once a term the learning journals are sent out via email for parents/ guardians to have a look at.

The children have the opportunity to make new friends with other children in the setting.

The children in Tadpoles always go home with lots different creations they have made, including; baking goods, pictures, paintings and models.

The classroom is set up according to the EYFS with toys that change weekly depending on what the children are learning that week.

Each child is allocated a key worker, who helps your child to settle in as well as making progress with their learning. The key worker becomes someone your child feels safe and secure with and they ensure your child has the best start to their educationally journey.  

Important Information

Please ensure your child comes to Nursery with:

  • a spare pair of clothes. 
  • nappies and wipes if needed.
  • A warm coat in winter and a sun hat in summer.
  • A pair of wellies for when it rains.
  • In summer please ensure your child comes to nursery with sun cream on.  

Interested in applying for a place? 

We have both morning and afternoon places available and we offer both funded and paid for places. Please contact the school office and ask to speak to Miss Miller or Miss Ash for more information.