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Our Summer 1 Journey

Below you can find our Summer 1 curriculum overview


This half term we are learning all about the farm. We are reading stories and singing songs linked to our topic, as well as going for walks going on a trip to the library. 

Focused texts- On the farm, Oh Dear and Noisy Farm. 

Songs we are focusing on- Old McDonald, Baa Baa black sheep and Horsie Horsie.

Library visit

Over the last two weeks the children in Tadpoles and their grown ups have been to visit the library in Keighley. We walked from school to the bus stop, got on public transport to Keighley and then explored in the library. We looked at lots of books, read stories, explored with the duplo blocks, before we headed back to school. 





Oh Dear!

Over the last two weeks we have been reading and exploring the book 'Oh Dear.'  By the end of the two weeks the children could retell the story independently. The children created their own sheep, chickens and cows at the creative area, as well as washing different animals in the water tray. 



Gardening with Joel!

On Wednesday Joel came to visit and to do some gardening. The children had the chance to plant potatoes, and green beans. They also got to try radishes, rhubarb and chives. The children spent the last half an hour running and exploring around the allotment. 



Exploring Outside.