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Riddlesden St Mary

Our Spring Journey

This half term our focus text is - The Street Beneath My Feet by Charlotte Guillain  

                                                                 The Street Beneath My Feet (Look Closer)



 In English this half term, we are focusing our learning on The Street Beneath My Feet. This is a science driven text that allows us to use our reading skills throughout the reading phase of our unit. During the toolkit phase we are learning about the features of a calligram poem (shape poems). We will be using all these features to help write our own poem!


During Maths this half term we are learning about fractions. We have been learning about numerators and denominators, unit fractions, halves, quarters and thirds. We have even been challenging ourselves with ordering fractions! We have continued to keep all of our knowledge spinning by revisiting our prior learning. 









half termly home learning web summer 1.pdf


half term curriculum web summer 1.pdf