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School Dinners

Our school kitchen makes fresh, well-balanced food every day. 

Children from Reception Class up to Year 2 receive Universal Free School Meals, only children in Year 3 and above pay for their school meals unless they have been awarded Free School Meals by Bradford Council.

The cost of a school meal is £2.30 per day or £2.10 for Nursery children.  If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals, please click HERE and complete the online form.

All dinner money is payable via ParentPay - if you would like any assistance to register your child, please ask in the office and we'll be happy to help.





 School Milk

All children under the age of 5 years are entitled to free school milk. 
If your child is over 5 years and would like to have milk at school, you will need to register and pay for their milk with our provider - Cool Milk.  Please CLICK HERE to register your child and set up an account with Cool Milk.
Children who are in receipt of Free School Meals through Bradford Council do not have to pay for school milk.  If you think you may be eligible, please CLICK HERE to apply for Free School Meals.