At Riddlesden St Mary's, we have six core values that surround our Christian ethos, we encourage our children to recognise these throughout daily school life.
Our values are:
All members of the St Mary's family belong to a 'house'. There are 6 houses, each representing a core value. Throughout the year, children and adults are encouraged to gain house points for their team. They can earn house points by using their learning powers or by demonstrating any of our school values. The 'house points' are collated on a weekly basis and the results shared during celebration worship. At the end of each half term, the house with the most points will be rewarded with a non-uniform day where they can wear their house colour and hoodie with pride!
I really like our values lessons because we learn about people such as Zelenskyy and Rob Burrows. It was interesting learning about Zelenskyy's life before he was the President of Ukraine and why his people trust him to lead them. - Year 5 pupil
I liked learning about Kadeena Cox and how she competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. She showed so much courage and proved people wrong. I also liked discussing our questions, especially about peaceful problem solving. We do this when we have circles and so we can discuss what it looks like in the playground and at home. - Year 4 pupil
I remember we learnt about Rosa Parks and that she didn't give up her seat on the bus. She was brave and showed people that everyone is the same. - Year 2 pupil
Each of our core values are linked to a famous person who has made a positive contribution in the world. In order to ensure equality for all, each year group will have a key person to focus on. Feedback from pupils showed that the key people they were learning about could represent more than one value. We also wanted to ensure that our Values lessons were more driven by the key questions. Therefore, each year group will focus on their key person throughout the year rather than during that specific term. Click the link below to see an overview of the famous people each year group studies as well as the key questions explored in each value.
Values overview
During Autumn 1, the whole school focusses on the value of Respect. Click on each year group to view the knowledge mat for that person.
Year 1 - Stevie Wonder
Year 2 - Tom Daley
Year 3 - Marcus Rashford
Year 4 - Emmeline Pankhurst
Year 5 - Rob Burrows
Year 6 - Martin Luther King
In Autumn 2, we focus on the value of Peace. This has special significance in the run up to Christmas. We had decided to look at artists who promote peace through their work. During this half term, each class will receive an invitation from Mrs Wright to the school's 'Peace Showcase'. Here, each class will either perform their 'peace linked song' and explain the spiritual meaning (those who have musicians as a focus) or showcase their artwork and present key information (those whose focus is an artist). In addition to this, each year group will lead a collective worship which will centre on the key question. Click on each year group to view the knowledge mat for that particular artist:
Year 1 - Dolly Parton
Year 2 - Bob Geldof
Year 3 - Frida Kahlo
Year 4 -Pablo Picasso
Year 5 - Ariana Grande
Year 6 - John Lennon
In Spring 1, we focus on the value of Courage. Click on each year group to view the knowledge mat for that person.
Year 1 - Michael Jordon
Year 2 - Rosa Parks
Year 3 - Winston Churchill
Year 4 -Kadeena Cox
Year 5 - Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Year 6 - Muhammad Ali
During Spring 2, we focus on the value of Forgiveness. Click on each year group to view the knowledge mat for that person.
Year 1 - Amelia Earhart
Year 2 - Florence Nightingale
Year 3 - Malala Yousafzai
Year 4- Nelson Mandela
Year 5 - Maya Angelou
Year 6 - Doreen Lawrence
During Summer 1, we focus on the value of Trust. Click on each year group to view the knowledge mat for that person.
Year 1 - Prince William
Year 2 - Mother Theresa
Year 3 - Mae Jemison
Year 4- Barack Obama
Year 5 - Dame Deborah James
Year 6 - Sir Captain Tom Moore
During Summer 2, we focus on the value of Friendship. During this half term, we are exploring the lives of faith leaders both past and present. The faith leaders chosen have brought people together and created friendships through their chosen faith and the spread of the word. We also explore the theme of friendship and participate in activities through our themed question. Click on each year group to view the knowledge mat for that person.
Year 1 - King Charles III
Year 2 - Pope John Paul II
Year 3 - Dalai Lama
Year 4- William Booth
Year 5 - Cat Stevens
Year 6 - Abdul Sattar Edhi