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Our Spring 2 Journey

Curriculum Web

half term curriculum web spring 2.pdf

 Homework Web

half termly home learning web spring 2.pdf

 Spelling booklets

Group 1:

year 3 spelling booklet group 1.pdf

 Group 2:

year 3 spelling booklet group 2.pdf

 Group 3:

year 3 spelling booklet group 3.pdf


Our text this half term is Malala's Magic Pencil.

0 malala pdf.pdf


This half term we are continuing with Multiplication and Division and then moving onto Fractions. 

0 multiplication and division maths knowledge organiser.pdf

 This is how to set out the grid method for multiplication:

0 grid method instructions.pdf


Our topic this half term is: I wonder what our local story is. Here are the objectives we will be exploring:

0 front cover.pdf


 This half term we are learning about the skeleton and muscles.