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Our Autumn 1 Journey

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Autumn 1

We have been busy settling into Frogs class, making new friends and exploring our classroom immersing ourselves in all the exciting learning. 



Owl Babies - I wonder what family look like.

We have been busy exploring what families through our text Owl Babies. The children have enjoyed learning the story and using to help us understand what it means to be a family. We are excited about our year ahead with our very own Frogs family. 

We recieved a letter from the owl mum to tell us that she was finding it tricky to find food for the baby owls so could we bake some cookies. Miss Kennedy had a great recipe and we made some delicious cookies, eating some ourselves but also leaving some for the owl babies. When we arrived at school next day we were so excited to see the cookies had disappeared. 


We have also explored what we know about owls. Here are some ideas the children shared.

"Owls can fly, they flap their wings" - Nurah       "Owls live in holes in the tree" - Albie

"Owls eat spiders and mice" - Ayra   "Owls are funny they hoot" - Halima

We had a go at drawing our own owls.





In Maths this half term we are exploring colours, learning their names, sorting objects and patterns. We are using our skills to sort objects by colour, size and shape. We have used a variety of activities to help us to understand and reinforce these concepts. 





My Happy Mind

We have introduced the children to My Happy Mind. The children met characters Betty and Bertie who will help us explore our brain and how it works. This half term we will learn all about our brain and all the amazing things it can do. 


The children shared their ideas around how the brain. 

"My brain is big"  - Shifa         "My brain helps me" - Heidi     "My brain is in my head" - Abel

"Brains look like clouds" - Hanna Rose   "Brains grow when we go to sleep" -Hayah Noor

Art Week/Flowerpot festival

We were very excited to show our amazing creative skills during art week. Our key artist in nursery is Jackson Pollock who was famous for painting using a drip technique and allowing the colours to mix together, creating amazing pieces of art. 

We channelled our inner Jackson Pollock and created our own drip paintings using autumnal colours. Take a look at some of our amazing creations. 


We also created our class flowerpots for the flowerpot festival. Our pots were connected to our nursery rhyme 5 little speckled frogs. The children enjoyed each stage of creating our pots. We even used it as an opportunity to explore colour mixing. 

Heidi said "We don't have green but if we mix blue and yellow it might make green"

We began by painting the pots.


We even painted our hands to make them look like frog feet.


We decided to use our fine motor skills to make the tongue folding paper backwards and forwards into a concertina, making the tongue springy ready to eat delicious grubs. 


Finally we added the finishing touches of eyes and feet! Our frogs were ready for the festival.