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Our Autumn 2 Journey

This half term our big question is 'I wonder who the lady with the lamp was?' with a History focus. Please see our curriculum web. 

autumn 2 curriculum web.pdf




We are really excited to see your homework projects. Have a look through our homework web for this half term. 

autumn 2 homework.pdf

 Year 2 Victorian Day!

Year 2 had an amazing day going back in time to learn about how Victorians lived. Children have enjoyed making a Beggar's Broth, playing with Victorian toys, taking part in a drill, creating artwork, singing, learning times tables and having tea with Victorian sponge. 

 We have been learning about the lives of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole as two significant individuals from the past. We made comparisons and shared our discussions and thoughts on what makes them similar and different. We enjoyed our debate on whether Mary deserves her statue at St. Thomas' hospital.  We also explored why Mary Seacole is not remembered as well as Florence and shared our views. 







 DT - Creating a lamp for Florence Nightingale.

 In DT, we explored and compared different lamp designs and their effectiveness. We then created a prototype using straws and masking tape before using these to create our final lamp. At the end, we evaluated our designs and took them home to use. 

We were lucky enough to create our own poppies to mark Remembrance Day. We put our DT skills to use and practised the long stitch and then decided to sew our Christmas tree decorations too!




 This half term we have been focusing on rhythm and beat and created our own simple rhythms and playing tuned and untuned instruments.  It was great fun being composers! We appraised the 'Brave Nurses' song, linking our learning with Florence Nightingale.  In addition to this, we really enjoyed practising 'Do they know it's Christmas time?' for our peace concert and learnt all the MAKATON signs too. 

music Autumn 2


 In Science this half term, we have been focusing on Biology - Animals Including Humans. We have been learning about animal lifecycles, describing the basic needs for animals for survival and describing the importance of humans to exercise and eat healthily. We had a go at devising our own nutritious school menus and explored Louis Pasteur's germ theory. We linked our learning to Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, focusing on how healthcare improved as a result of their contributions. 

We've also created our own growth charts so we can observe over time to see how we grow over the year.

 Useful websites:

science autumn 2y2


 Geography Awareness Week 

We recapped fieldwork knowledge and skills about maps, symbols and compass directions. We walked to East Riddlesden Hall, noticing key landmarks and human and physical features in our surroundings. We wanted to find out how many people visit East Riddlesden Hall in the afternoon and we created our own tally charts to record what we found. We created our own maps when we returned and a fun day was hard by all!

geography awareness year 2


 Our big question was 'I wonder what Christians believe God is like?' and we explored the parable of The Lost Son and how it teaches Christians God is kind, loving and forgiving. We learnt what it means to ask for forgiveness and made links to what this means for us. We then thought about trust and how Jonah put his trust in God in the story of Jonah and the Big Fish. 






 We also enjoyed Interfaith day and shared our artwork on The Crying Camel with Burley and Woodhead C of E Primary School.

y2 REAut2


 We produced diary entries as Florence Nightingale, thinking about her feelings when she first arrived at Scutari Hospital. We have worked so hard to write in the past tense, use conjunctions and adjectives and of course use capital letters and full stops. We have been amazed by our efforts and have published these in our Time to Shine books. 
You may want to use the following links to help you with reading and writing skills.
The following is an overview of what we will be focusing on this year:




Grammatical Terminology

 Useful websites:

 Bridge to Spelling - Little Wandle

 The following is an overview of the Little Wandle Bridge to Spelling unit.


We have been learning about Multiplication and Division. We've worked hard to learn 2, 5 and 10 times tables with related division facts, odd and even numbers, commutativity, inverse relations, grouping and sharing. We have used these skills to relate to Fractions.

Useful websites: