Our Spring 2 Journey
Our Spring 2 Curriculum Overview
topic web overview spring 2.pdf
The children in Tadpoles absolutely love listening to stories, and singing nursery rhymes. Each term we focus on three stories, and rhymes linked to our key question.
This half term we will be exploring the question- I wonder what animals live at the zoo?
Core texts: Dear Zoo, Boo Zoo, Who's at the zoo.
Nursery rhymes: Down in the jungle,
We will be celebrating Ramadan, Eid and Easter.
Dear Zoo.
Tadpoles are currently exploring the book 'Dear Zoo.' They are able to retell the story along with Miss Barber while she reads it, and independently. We have created animal masks, washed dirty animals in the water tray, looked at the sizes of each animal compared to them, explored a very messy but fun safari tuff tray and even watched the animals at the zoo via a webcam.
Ramadan Day.
Across the whole school we celebrated the festival of Ramadan. During this day we explored a new book called 'I say As-Salamu'alaykum.' We had so much fun reading and understanding this book. We also created Eid cards ready for the festival of Eid, went on a walk to the school library to explore items Mrs Khan had brought in linked to the Muslim Religion. We ended the day with our grown ups having fun with lots doing Ramadan activities.