Our Autumn 1 Journey
Autumn 1 curriculum and homework web
- Year 6 have been super busy! Have a look at our AMAZING home learning we have already completed!
English - Rose Blanche
This half term, our English learning will be focussing on the book 'Rose Blanche' by Christophe Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti. This will link with our History learning of World War 2.To begin with we made predictions about the book based on the first and last image in the book. We thought that the images suggested that the young girl was the main character and that the book was set in WW2. We then read our book and analysed these predictions. Were they correct?
We continued our work by exploring how different characters would feel at different points in the story. We then worked in our groups to create an Axis of Emotion.Towards the end of this half term will take on the role of Rose Blanche and describe the scene she was met with when she emerges from the forest for the first time.
Look at our amazing learning journey so far!
Maths - Number and Place Value and Four Operations
Number and Place Value
We have started year 6 by learning all about place value. We looked at how to represent numbers up to 10,000,000 before reading and writing these numbers in words. We identified the value of each digit and worked out which was the greatest, this led us nicely into ordering these numbers. We explored rounding to the nearest power of 10 up to 1,000,000. Some of us used a helpful rhyme to help us 'Five to nine- climb the vine. Zero to four- slide to the floor'. We then learnt about negative numbers. We made a whole class number line to support with our learning (see this on our working wall below). To finish off this topic we recapped roman numerals and how we represent these.
Take a look at our learning journey below:
Our problem solving sessions have been dedicated to solving multi-step problems and applying our knowledge learnt to answering SATs questions.Four Operations
For the rest of this half term and the beginning of next, Year 6 will be learning about the four operations. We have already explored addition, subtraction and multiplication this half term! We have explored factors and multiples, prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers so far, as well as starting to use short multiplication to answer a range of questions.Science - Electricity
In Science this half term, we will be focussing on Electricity. We will be exploring how to draw circuits using scientific symbols as well as making circuits to carry out investigations.
We started by matching the pictures of components to the symbol we use for it before having a go at drawing our own. -
Topic- World War 2
Our topic this half term is history based, World War II. We started off by exploring how World War II began and the countries that were involved. Let’s say we are at school and it is the 3rd September 1939, the time is 11.13. I am the teacher and I have just been told to turn on the radio due to a special broadcast on the BBC.
- After listening to the announcement by Neville Chamberlin we reflected on how it made us feel and thought about what we would say, feel and think in that moment. We came to the conclusion that we would feel scared and confused.
To follow on we then looked at the key events of WW2 and worked in our groups to order these. We also thought about what the impact of these events would've been at the time and how they have impacted Britain today.
To continue our learning we have researched the leaders of the countries involved in WW2 and explored whether they are an 'Allied Power' or an 'Axis Power'. We will be learning who Winston Churchill is and what his role was during the time of WW2 as well as writing our own speech inspired by Winston Churchill's We will never surrender speech.
Values - Respect and Martin Luther King
Respect is our value this half term. We have been looking an inspirational person and answering a key question: Is respect earned or given? We linked our key question with our key person this half term, who has been Martin Luther King Jr.
- We started this term by looking at Martin Luther King and what we already knew. We discussed the meaning of the word 'legacy' before learning about Martin Luther King's legacy. We read the the 'Little People, Big Dreams' book on this. After having our introduction to him and learnt about his legacy we asked, Why do you think he has been chosen to represent our school value of respect?
We discovered that Martin Luther King made a famous speech, ' I have a dream...'. We watched the speech as a class and asked the children what they would think, feel and say if they were in the crowd that day. We then drew a representation of the speech before writing our own speech about the future and what we dream for it.
This our knowledge mat we used to help us in our learning: -
Our Autumn 2 Journey
Curriculum and Homework web - Autumn 2
year 6 autumn 2 curriculum web.pdf
Our Key Text this half term
Our text this half term is 'Pig Heart Boy' by Malorie Blackman. Throughout our English unit, we will be completing activities using our prediction, retrieval, inference and vocabulary skills linked to the text. By the end of the unit, we will create our own diary extracts in the role of Cameron and his experience in the days leading up to this heart transplant.
In their learning, children have explored the characters in the book and taken on the role of Cameron.
Let’s say, you are the reporter who has asked to interview Cameron about his transplant. What questions would you ask him?
Children put themselves in the role of the reporter and asked Cameron questions, using what they knew from the book to answer the questions too!This text links to our science topic of the circulatory system and the heart. Children will explore transplantation as well as research and carry out a debate, answering the question: ‘Should organ donation be compulsory for under-18s?’
Science- The Circulatory System
Our key theme this half term is 'I wonder why my heart keeps beating...'
In year 6 this term, we will explore the main parts of the human circulatory system and describe the job of the heart. We learnt about arteries, veins, heart and lungs as well as understanding the difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Continuing on from this, we then had to label the parts of a human heart. We then also linked this to our key theme of the half term and why and how does my heart keep beating? We used a video to help us with our understanding://www.youtube.com/embed/JA0Wb3gc4mE?si=W4NR6K1fAUNseXAE" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen>#t=0.5#t=0.5" width="560" height="314" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">
We are learning about how we can keep our heart healthy. To start our learning on this we carried out an investigation about the importance of exercise for human health and how exercise affects the human heart. We predicted what we thought would happen, carried out an investigation 'How does exercise affect my heart rate?', recorded our results and drew a graph to conclude our findings.
RE- Why do Hindus want to be good?
To introduce our RE topic of Hinduism and our learning on 'Why do Hindus want to be good?'. We were very lucky to have the opportunity to visit the Diwali event at East Riddlesden Hall. Whilst we were there, we learnt about the different ways homes are decorated for Diwali and how Hindus celebrate this festival. We also had the opportunity to explore the grounds. Prior to our visit, we took part in a Rangoli pattern competition where we had to design our own Rangoli pattern. The winner's design was then printed for visitors of East Riddlesden Hall to colour in! For our first lesson, we were given some images linked to work we had already done on the Hindu Dharma.
In our groups, we wrote down our thoughts or questions we had about the image of the word around the outside. We then rotated around each table and looked at each groups’ questions and comments. We then drew a line and responded to that groups’ comment. This created a chain of answers and comments which all stem from one original contribution. Finally, once were were back at our own table, we looked as a group, to identify one comment we all agrees with and one comment or question we all found interesting.
Maths- Four Operations
In Maths this term, we have been looking at the four operations. We have been completing a variety of questions which require us to use our formal methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.These are some of the methods we have been learning and using:
We have used these methods in out reasoning and problem solving lessons too on a Friday!Values- Peace
Our whole school value this half term is Peace. Our key question is:Can there be peace in times of war?
To explore this question further we have been learning about John Lennon.-
We thought about what peace means to us. We looked up the word in a dictionary and then thought about symbols we could use to present peace. We then linked this to different world religions and what they say about peace.
We thought about the key question and watched the Christmas advert based on the events of Christmas 1914 (The Christmas Truce). We discussed what moments of peace they noticed in the video and linked this to the time in history that it took place.We introduced the children to John Lennon by reading the the the 'Little People, Big Dreams' book on him. After having our introduction to him and learnt about his legacy we asked, Why do you think he has been chosen to represent our school value of peace?
We discovered that John Lennon wrote and sang a song called 'Imagine'. We listened to the song and discussed what the song meant. We used an English lesson to do this, inferring what the song meant. To follow on from this we then drew what we saw, heard and felt when we listened to the song or read the lyrics.