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During our time in Reception we have lots of exciting visits and visitors.

We went to Manor Heath Park and Jungle experience where we saw lots of creatures and got the chance to get up close to them!

We explore our local area and make the most of our fantastic school grounds. Here you can see us exploring our allotment area and noting down signs of spring. Joel, our gardener, works with us every week to help us learn about living things. We have our own garden where we grow a range of flowers, fruits and vegetables that our kitchen staff cook for us to eat with our lunch. Our local PCSO came in to talk to us about how he keeps us all safe and he even let us have a go in his police van! Throughout the year parents are invited in to share in our learning and to find out how they can help us develop.

We are very lucky to have large classrooms and a big outdoor area where we love to build, explore and play.

We are very lucky to have large classrooms and a big outdoor area where we love to build, explore and play. We have exciting role play areas in our classrooms and outside. Some of our favourite areas have included; a space station, a superhero den, a salon, a supermarket and a café. We love to learn and fully immerse ourselves in each topic, getting creative, questioning and discovering.staff cook for us to eat with our lunch. Our local PCSO came in to talk to us about how he keeps us all safe and he even let us have a go in his police van! Throughout the year parents are invited in to share in our learning and to find out how they can help us develop.

We have opportunities to follow our own interests and suggest things we want to learn about. We really enjoy some of the creative ideas our teachers have for our learning including ‘space writing’ where we wrote underneath the tables! In Reception we are encouraged to develop our independence as learners and our amazing environment allows us to do this.