Our Autumn 2 Journey
Autumn 2 topic web and 10 things to do
autumn 2 topic web and 10 things to do.pdf
We have been finding out all about Autumn in nursery this week. We have been exploring the leaves and their changing colours. We made leaf prints and other Autumn art creations. We explored British Wildlife and we even enjoyed crunching the leaves in the garden and hearing how they sounded under our feet.

Remembrance Day
In nursery explored the purple poppies and thought about all the animals lost in war as well as the people. The children created poppy pictures using a variety of media.
The children shared their ideas around poppies and were keen to share what they knew about them already. We also listened to The Last Post.
"Poppies are red and I saw them in the town" "A man was wearing one when I went shopping"
"Poppies grow and they are flowers" "Poppies are pretty"
We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Week 1
Something very exciting happened this week. We found giant footprints in nursery. We didn't know who or what they belonged to. We investigated them by comparing them to our own feet and looking at the shape of them to see how many toes they had.
"I think it's a Gruffalo" - Heidi "I think it's a dinosaur" - Albie
"It's big and brown" - Shifa " I think it's a bear" - Hunter
We had great fun thinking about what it could be and then the next day we recieved a letter saying that Miss Kennedy had been kidnapped and we had to go to the woods on a Miss Kennedy hunt. The children found Miss Kennedy who told them about a friendly bear who needed a home and some food and would we be able to help him by building dens, collecting food and creating woodland crowns. We had the best time exploring and investigating the woods.
We are waiting to see if we hear from the bear again.....
In Maths this week we have explored the number 2. We explored a 2 island by having 1 and adding another 1 so that altogether we had 2. The children enjoyed adding objects and pictures to the island and they enjoyed exploring their own ideas further during provision.
We're Going On a Bear Hunt - Week 2
This week we have discussed what we know about bears. The children had some amazing ideas to share with us.
Bears are scary and brown - Heidi
Bears are big and they roar - Shifa
Bears have claws and they scratch the trees - Albie
Bears are cuddly too - Arya
Bears live in the forest and they make dens of sticks - Hunter
We painted our own interpretation of a bear.
This week we received a letter from a different bear. his name was teeny tiny bear and he needed our help.
This was very exciting, firstly because we got to meet a new bear and secondly he needed our help and we are amazing at helping people in Frogs class. Tiny bear asked us to make posters to help him find his friend big bear who was still missing.
The children made some lovely posters showcasing their mark making skills beautifully.
We hope our posters will help to find the bear.
In Maths this week we have been looking at number 3. We have learnt that if we have 2 and add 1 more we can make 3. We have also learnt that if we have 1 and another 1 and another1 we can also make 3 that way. The children were excited to create a 3 island where we could only have 3 of any 1 thing E.G 3 people, 3 lions, 3 dinosaurs etc.
The children enjoyed adding things to the island in 3's.
We have explored number 3 in our outdoor provision too, collecting 3 of different objects.
This week has been a little chillier than usual so we went to explore the school grounds to see how Jack Frost had left his icy trails. We used our senses to explore different parts of of the gardens around school.
We are looking forward to another week of adventures next week.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Week 3
This week in Maths we have been recapping 1,2, and 3 through a variety of activities both in provision and in our carpet sessions. We are using story telling as a way to help the children understand the make up of each number.
We have been showcasing our art skills this week through some pastel pictures of bears. This was the first time we had worked with pastels and we learned that to create pictures we had to use them differently to pens or pencils. We created some amazing pieces of art.
We also received another letter from tiny bear this week asking us to make some delicious honey cupcakes to entice big bear back. Big bear is still missing and we are helping tiny bear to find him by completing tasks if kindness this week.
The honey cupcakes were very tasty and we are hoping they help big bear find his way home.
We also looked at the parable of the Good Samaritan this week. We introduced the children to Godly play. We considered how we are like the Good Samaritan, helping others through acts of kindness.
We have also been busy creating decorations for our main school Christmas tree. We decorated baubles in red, gold and black. We were very excited to hang them on the tree in the hall.
Week 4 - We're Going on A Bear Hunt
We began our week in Maths thinking about repeating patterns using both colours and shapes. We looked at continuing a pattern as well as repairing a pattern. The children were great at pattern spotting. They were able to take their learning into provision and work independantly.
Here are some of our great patterns.
We were also very excited to receive a letter form big bear inviting us to join him in the forest later in the week later to enjoy a teddy bears picnic. The children shared their ideas around picnics and we made a shopping list.
I have salmon at my picnics - Abel
We have strawberries at my picnics - Albie
We have picnics in the park when the sun is shining - Hanna Rose
We have little sandwiches at picnics - Heidi