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Our Spring 1 Journey

View our curriculum web to see what we have planned.


spring 1 curriculum web.pdf


 View our homework web to see the types of activities you could do at home to enrich your experience of our topic on the Victorians.


spring 1 home learning web.pdf



Our English book this half term is 'Oliver Twist'. 

We are going to be creating detailed character descriptions about the characters from the book, and also creating a play script that we will act out to our peers!

Reading phase:

  • We will explore new vocabulary which will help us to understand some of the language used in Oliver Twist
  • We will used prediction skills and explore some real Victorian artefacts
  • We will make predictions about the characters using images and key words to support us in developing our explanations.
  • We will develop our summarising skills, writing summaries of chapters from the Oliver Twist book.
  • We will develop our inference skills in reference to Fagin and Oliver's thoughts, feelings, speech, motives and other character's viewpoints.
  • We will develop our vocabulary, retrieval and inference skills using the text

Toolkit phase:

  • We will explore the features of a WAGOLL character description.
  • The use of colons to write description: detail sentences
  • writing relative clauses to add more detail

Writing phase:

We have now combined all of our skills to write some character descriptions for either Oliver or Fagin. We planned key elements of our description before having a go at writing them. 

We then had a go at choosing a scene from the book and turning it into a playscript! We really enjoyed this process and some of use even had a go at acting out each other's playscripts in class.


This half term, we will be restarting our maths cycle and continuing to develop our place value and four operations knowledge.

Place value

  • We will explore the skills used when rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000. We will also work on rounding decimals to the nearest tenth and whole number.
  • We will explore our understanding of decimals and the place value of each number within a decimal number. We will use this knowledge to order and compare decimals with the same, and different, numbers of decimal places.

Addition and subtraction

  • We will spend this half term applying our understanding of addition and subtraction to decimal numbers in the context of money, lengths and weight. 

Multiplication and division

  • We will be developing our understanding of multiplication using formal methods.

History & Geography

In topic this half term we are learning all about the Victorians, this links with our English unit. 

This half term we will explore:

  • Artefacts from during the Victorian period
  • The reign of Queen Victoria
  • Victorian school life and how this differs from our schooling today
  • Victorian food and drink (including making some beggar's broth)
  • Victorian inventions that impact our life today

We will also have the opportunity to experience some of these things in real life during our trip to Bradford Industrial Museum. We will take part in a Victorian school workshop and explore the different artefacts and machines throughout the museum. 


In Art this half term, we will be learning about an artist called William Morris. We will be using printing skills to develop our own patterns.


Our Science unit this half term is properties and changes of materials.

We will learn about:

  • The properties of a range of materials
  • reversible and irreversible changes
  • Separating mixtures
  • The scientists behind the production of stick post it notes