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Year 1

During our time in Year 1, we will have lots of exciting visits and visitors linking to our topics.  Please click on the termly journey to find out more.

As part of the transition process from Reception to Year 1, children have access to some provision areas within their learning environment.  These are used daily to enhance learning, alongside a variety of independent tasks.



Creativity and exploration are at the heart of the Year One curriculum.

 Lessons are centered in and on the children’s interests to create fun and exciting lessons where key skills and curriculum knowledge are deeply embedded. Through the use of Talk for Writing the children gain a deeper understanding of the text through actions and repetition which allow for a                                                                            wealth of writing opportunities.   


In Year One the teaching of Maths is rich and enjoyable where we provide the children with the knowledge, skills, concepts and processes that are appropriate to each individual and relate to the world around them. Investigations enable the children to seek, for themselves, answers to a range of real life problems.


Topic is a cross curricular approach to support children’s learning which enables Year One to go out into our local community, experiment with a variety of instruments, develop their individuality through art and learn about key events from the past.