Our Spring 2 Journey
Our focus texts this half term:
Week 1
We are super excited to be back and very excited to get busy learning in our new classroom. We have had a great week of exploring indoors and outdoors.
Here are some pictures to see how we began our week.
We were very excited when a magical surprise arrived this week, We received a letter from somebody called teeny tiny Jack. He needed our help. He had some magic beans and his mum made him throw them away, so he sent them to us to see if we could do something with them .
The children decided we would plant them and they had lots of ideas around what might happen. They predicted
It will grow into a ginormous beanstalk - Hunter
Maybe it will be golden - Heidi
Big big magic - Zayaan
Maybe teeny tiny Jack is little Jack Frost
We cannot wait to see what happens next week to our magic beans.
Week 2
Oh wow! A beanstalk has appeared in our classroom and we have been very excited.
We have been thinking about where the beanstalk goes and who is at the top, and who this teeny tiny Jack is. The children were making predictions and we had a go at drawing Jack. We have also designed some posters to show everyone what we think the giant looks like. Keep an eye out around school for our posters.
Pancake day - Teeny tiny Jack brought us some golden eggs from the hen in the giants castle, so we used them to make pancakes. We enjoyed eating them and afterwards we did some writing challenges around them
We celebrated world book day, dressing as book characters and exploring stories all day. We really enjoyed joining year 3 in the hall sharing stories and hot chocolate.
In maths this week we have explored big and small. We sorted objects into 2 hoops and we came up with other names for the sizes big and small.
Week 3