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{DIARY_CALENDAR}Our Spring One Journey

Our Spring One Journey

Curriculum Web

spring 1 curriculum web.pdf

Homework Web

spring 1 homework web.pdf

Spelling booklets

Group 1:

year 3 spelling booklet group 1.pdf

 Group 2:

year 3 spelling booklet group 2.pdf

 Group 3:

year 3 spelling booklet group 3.pdf


Our text for this half term is The Street Beneath My Feet.

street beneath pdf.pdf

We have enjoyed reading this book and finding out about each layer beneath our feet! We used our knowledge of the book to write our own poems. Here are some of the features we included in our poems:

What is onomatopoeia? - BBC Bitesize

What is a simile? - BBC Bitesize


Place Value and Number

Have a go at some of these challenges that we will be looking at during our maths lessons!

Partitioning numbers to 1000:

3 partitioning numbers to 1 000.pdf

Finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less:

4 find 1 10 100 more or less.pdf

Flexible partitioning of numbers to 1000:

5 flexible partitioning of numbers to 1 000.pdf

Addition and Subtraction

t m 3747 year 3 addition and subtraction maths knowledge organiser ver 10.pdf

 Multiplication and Division

 We have been learning our 8 times tables! Why not learn them at home?


 Rocks and Soils

0 science rocks year 3 knowledge organiser ver 17.pdf

Useful links:

Fossils - BBC Bitesize

What is soil made from? - BBC Bitesize

Types of rock - BBC Bitesize


I wonder what makes volcanoes vicious. 

0 knowledge organiser.pdf

Watch the videos to find out more about volcanoes!


How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?

0 year 3 knowledge organiser unit 22.pdf

Below is some of our art work on the Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah:




Value: Courage

Our key question: How does change require courage?

year 3 winston churchill knowledge organiser.pdf