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Our Spring One Journey

Curriculum Web

spring 1 curriculum web.pdf

Homework Web

spring 1 homework web.pdf

Spelling booklets

Group 1:

year 3 spelling booklet group 1.pdf

 Group 2:

year 3 spelling booklet group 2.pdf

 Group 3:

year 3 spelling booklet group 3.pdf


Our text for this half term is The Street Beneath My Feet.

More information coming soon!


Our first unit is Place Value and Number. Have a go at some of these challenges that we will be looking at during our maths lessons!

Partitioning numbers to 1000:

3 partitioning numbers to 1 000.pdf

Finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less:

4 find 1 10 100 more or less.pdf

Flexible partitioning of numbers to 1000:

5 flexible partitioning of numbers to 1 000.pdf


 Rocks and Soils

0 science rocks year 3 knowledge organiser ver 17.pdf

Useful links:

Fossils - BBC Bitesize

What is soil made from? - BBC Bitesize

Types of rock - BBC Bitesize


I wonder what makes volcanoes vicious. 

0 knowledge organiser.pdf

Watch the videos to find out more about volcanoes!


How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?

0 year 3 knowledge organiser unit 22.pdf


Value: Courage

Our key question: How does change require courage?

year 3 winston churchill knowledge organiser.pdf