Our Spring 1 Journey
Our big question is 'I wonder where Leaf came from?' and our learning will have a Geography and Science focus. It will be amazing to learn how a fictional text can cover real-life issues like climate change and we have so many exciting activities planned.
Our key text is Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann.
View our curriculum web:
spring 1 half termly curriculum web.pdf
In English, children have immersed themselves in the text and we started off with a 'Let's Say we're in the Arctic' hook imagining what it would be like if the ground was to turn into pools and rivers. We explored what it might be like for the animals that live there and we signposted our classroom with the names of different animals. We then imagined what it might be like for the animals and what would happen if the sea levels rose. How would these animals survive? How might they adapt? This recapped our previous learning in Science , Living Things and Their Habitats. We also linked our RSE learning to Leaf and thought about how Leaf was feeling when he ended up in the woods, away from his family. We drew comparisons to our own lives and thoughts about the feelings and actions of the other animals. We discussed how they were ignoring him because they were afraid.
We have written some amazing diary entries in the role of Leaf and learnt about the key features of a letter. In addition to this, we have been focusing on Bridge to Spelling in Phonics and revisited spelling rules.
Maths has been great fun and we recapped learning on Place Value. We also covered Fractions and Capacity and Volume. We really enjoy working in groups to solve problems together. You may find the following links are useful :
- Revise your number bonds, times-tables, doubles and halves:
- Addition and subtraction number fact families (0-100)
- Pick a skill you want to go practise: https://uk.ixl.com/math/year-2
- Short videos and activity sheets based on the Year 2 curriculum*:https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/

Y2 Spring 1 science

This half term, we have been exploring our big question, 'I wonder where Leaf came from?' We learnt about the Arctic circle, the names of continents and oceans and about living things in the arctic region. We explored how animals are suited to their habitats and thought about the effects of climate change. We learnt about what we could do to help and decided we wanted to adopt a polar bear. We raised money by completing Readathons and our cuddly toy was delivered on the last day of term - making the whole unit on Leaf really special. A huge thank you from all of us!
Do check out our photos of the polar bears we made from clay.
Y2 clay polar bears
A huge thank you also for Celebrating Kindness with us on the last day of term!