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Visual Impairment

Our School 

Here at Riddlesden St Mary’s we are proud to have achieved the status of a ’Vision Friendly School’.

This is an accreditation awarded by Bradford Education Authority. This means that we have met the required standards for our environment and have also received the appropriate training that qualifies us to work with visually impaired children. Our school received a special mention from Bradford Education as the school that had best embraced the Vision Friendly Standard.

Our Team

Our experienced team comprises of two Visual Impairment (VI) specialists, all of whom have obtained or are working towards the RNIB braille qualification.

We maintain high expectations for our children’s academic performance, and this skilled team ensures that they are provided with the resources needed to give them to access the curriculum.

We also work closely with the local authority and have specialist teachers for the visually impaired who visit on a weekly basis. 

Our Inclusive Curriculum

Our school is committed to promoting both the educational and the social and emotional needs of our VI children.

Our ethos is one of total inclusivity, with all children taking part in every aspect of the curriculum, including our full enrichment program. This program covers a fantastic range of activities, including music, cookery, art, archery, sewing etc. Visual Impairment awareness sessions have been run within the school for staff and pupils alike, and the children have greatly enjoyed some of the fun activities that this has involved.
All the children have access to excellent ICT facilities and training, and we ensure that we are up to date with the latest accessibility technology available.

Our Specialist Team

All our VI children are supported within the mainstream curriculum, and they also receive additional support for the specialist curriculum from a QTVI,(a qualified teacher of the visually impaired) mobility officer and ICT specialist.

They also take part in activities that bring together VI children from the surrounding areas. This has included some exciting events such as the Jamie Oliver cookery school, sports activities and visits to special theatre productions at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, where they have had a chance to meet the actors and try on costumes!

What we Offer  

Riddlesden St Mary's provides a happy, supportive and inclusive environment that encourages children to achieve independence, enjoy friendships and fulfil their true potential.