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Our Autumn 2 Learning Journey

Have a look through the tabs below to see what we have been up to during this half term!

Our Curriculum and Home learning web

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autumn 2 home learning web.pdf

 Year 5 Autumn 2 - Highlights

In PE this half term, we have been learning how to play basketball! We have all enjoyed having a chance to learn the rules and play fun games and activities with our groups during our lessons.

Betty was inspired by our topic for this half term and brought in some WW1 binoculars!

Arissa's WW1 Trench diorama was carefully and intricately put together to show the features of a trench perfectly - Another amazing homework project!


We enjoyed exploring some elements of online safety through the game 'Interland' which was produced by Google. Some of us even continued to play this at home!


In English this half term we have been focusing on 'War Horse' by Michael Morpurgo. 

This links with our topic unit all about World War One. 

We started the half term by reading the book together; we learnt about Joey the horse and his loving owner Albert. Some of us were able to spot connections between the events of the book and the things we had learnt about during our history lessons! We read further passages, exploring the characters and developing an understanding of their character and their experiences. 

During the toolkit and writing phase of our English unit, we worked to develop our grammar skills in order to write a diary entry from the perspective of a World War One soldier. We imagined that we had experienced the Christmas truce and watched the Sainsbury's advert to give us some ideas! Our final published diary entries were very impressive and really captured what it would be like to experience that momentous day.


This half term, we have continued our Maths learning by developing our understanding of fractions. 

mn to if.pdf


if to mn.pdf

We put our fractions knowledge to the test by learning how to find equivalent fractions, how to convert between improper and mixed number fractions and how to add and subtract fractions by doing the above!

We have realised that lots of elements of our maths learning requires quick and fluent times table skills and so we have also continued to develop this knowledge through our weekly times table challenge!


During Autumn 2, we have been exploring the 'animals including humans' topic. During this topic we learn all about how humans grow from birth to old age. 

0 front cover.pdf

We started our unit by exploring the different stages in the human lifecycle. We learnt a little about each stage in order to help us understand how humans develop into late adulthood. 

Throughout the half term we continued to learn about human development, and what happens to us as humans when we grow and age. 


 In History and Geography this half term, we are looking at World War One.

We first entered our classroom to find a model of a trench that we could explore. We enjoyed looking at the features and inspecting some of the images attached.

We have explored lots of elements of world war one including:

  • How the war started  -we found this quite confusing to start with!
  • Which countries were involved and whether they were an allied or axis force
  • Trenches, their structure and how/why they were built
  • World war one propaganda

We then finished our learning by looking into the lives of the Bradford Pals regiment. This was a group of soldiers who joined the armed forces together as a group during world war one. Some of the soldiers that we learnt about were even from Keighley!

D.T. Week

During D.T. week, we had an amazing time as we were able to get the woodwork equipment out! We worked in pairs to create a wooden 'war horse' with moving legs.

We worked with adults in school and had to use a saw to cut the wood, a drill to make holes for the legs and finally screw the screws in to ensure that the legs stayed attached. We had an amazing time during this project and showed lots of perseverance and teamwork. 

Take a look at the pictures below to see the whole process!

Geography week

During Geography week, we explored the concepts of human and physical geography. We worked to identify the difference between the two and then explored our school grounds in order to identify some of these features. Can you spot which is which from the pictures below?



 Our value for this half term is Peace and we are focussing on the question 'are you a peacemaker or a peace breaker?'
As part of our learning that half term, we learn a little about Ariana Grande and the song 'Somewhere over the rainbow.' Ariana sung this as part of her 'one love' concert following the tragedy that struck Ariana and her fans in Manchester.