Our Spring 1 Learning Journey...
spring 1 curriculum overview lost and found.pdf
year 1 homework web spring 1.pdf
English: Lost and Found
This term, we’re reading the beautiful book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. In this story, a boy helps a penguin find his way home, learning important lessons about friendship and helping others. Here’s what we’ll be learning in English:
Story Understanding:
- We’ll read Lost and Found and talk about the characters, setting, and events. We will learn how to retell the story in our own words.
Writing Skills:
- We will practice writing postcards! We’ll write to the boy in the story to tell him about our favorite part of the book. This helps us learn how to structure our writing, use punctuation, and express our thoughts clearly.
Creative Thinking:
- We’ll imagine that we are the penguin and write postcards back to the boy, telling him about our adventures after he helped us. Students will share their ideas, focusing on how to express feelings and explain their choices.
Maths: Addition and Subtraction within 20
In our maths lessons this term, we’ll focus on mastering addition and subtraction within 20. Here’s what we’ll be learning:
- We will practice adding numbers within 20 using pictures, number lines, and objects. We’ll also use simple word problems to help us solve addition challenges.
- We’ll explore how subtraction works and solve problems where we take away from a total. We’ll use objects and drawings to help us understand how subtraction works in real-life situations.
Key Concepts:
- Number Bonds: We’ll learn number bonds to 10 and 20 (e.g., 10 + 10 = 20, 7 + 3 = 10).
- Counting On and Back: We’ll practice counting on and back in 1s and 2s to help with our addition and subtraction skills.
- Word Problems: We will solve word problems using addition and subtraction, helping us apply what we know to real-life situations.
Science: Seasonal Changes
In Science, we will be learning about Seasonal Changes and focusing on the South Pole and penguins. Here’s what we’ll be discovering.
Seasonal Changes:
- We will study how the seasons change around the world, including in places like the South Pole. What happens during winter? How do animals, like penguins, adapt to these changes?
Hands-on Activities:
- We’ll draw penguins using our art supplies, observe pictures of the South Pole, and even track the weather in our own area. How does the weather here compare to the South Pole?