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Riddlesden St Mary

Reception Home Learning - Phonics

For our Home Learning Story Sessions click here



The Department for Education, Letters and Sounds Phonics programme will upload a new phonics lesson every day from Monday to Friday from Monday 27 April.

*After each upload the lesson will then be available to watch at any time.

10am Reception: For children who can confidently blend and read words such as ‘fish’ ‘chat’ and ‘rain’

 11am Learning to Blend: For children in Reception who need extra practise in blending to read words such as ‘tap’ ‘cap’ ‘mat’ ‘pat’

 Check out the daily phonics lessons by clicking here


Are you ready to practise some phonics? Every Tuesday you can find a phonics practise session here with Miss Halliday.


Practise saying the phonics sounds we have learnt in school with Miss Halliday and Miss Ash.


Phase 2 letter sounds

Phase 2 tricky words 


Phase 3 letter sounds



Phase 3 tricky words

Check which resources you will need before you watch each session.


Session 1

You will need your brilliant blending skills for this session.



Session 2: Silly Soup- initial sounds

You will need some superb listening to listen for the first sound in words. You might want to get a bowl and a spoon to help mix the soup from home.


 Session 3: Magic Bag- word writing

You will need your Spider-Man arms to segment words and a pen and some paper to write your words on. It might be useful to have your phonics sound mat too.


 Session 4: Rhyming words

You will need to listen carefully and decide which words rhyme. Remember, when a word rhymes it sounds the same at the end of the word.


 Session 5 Part 1: Blending to read



 Session 5 Part 2: Phonics Frog's Farm- word writing

You will need your Spider-Man arms to segment words and a pen and some paper to write your words on. It might be useful to have your phonics sound mat too.


 Session 6 Part 1: Blending to read


 Session 6 Part 2: Magic Bag

You will need your magic bag given in the home learning pack with the pictures inside. You will need your Spider-Man arms to segment words and a pen and some paper to write your words on. It might be useful to have your phonics sound mat too.

 You will need these pictures inside your magic bag.     




You will need these pictures inside your magic bag.   



 Session 7 Part 1: Blending to read

Session 7 Part 2: Tricky word bingo

You will need your bingo sheet given in the home learning pack and 6 items to use as counters. This could be buttons/dried pasta/sweets, anything you have at home.

Phase 2 Bingo  

 Phase 3 Bingo


Sing along with the tricky word songs

Phase 2

 Phase 3

 Session 8 Part 1: Blending to read


 Session 8 Part 2: Silly soup sentence writing

For this task you will need some paper and a pen or pencil as we will be writing sentences. You will need your Spider-Man arms to segment words and it might be useful to have your sound mat too.


 Sessoin 9: Buried treasure

Join 'Pirate Frog' in his mission to collect treasure. Help him blend letter sounds to read words and decide which words are real and which are fake.



 Session 10 Part 1: Blending to read

Session 10 Part 2: Magic Bag

 You will need your magic bag given in the home learning pack with the pictures inside. You will need your Spider-Man arms to segment words and a pen and some paper to write your words on. It might be useful to have your phonics sound mat too.


You will need these pictures inside your magic bag. 


You will need these pictures inside your magic bag.

 Session 11 Part 1: Alphabet song

We have used this song before in school, can you remember the letter names as you sing along?


Session 11 Part 2: Yes/No questions

Read the questions and decide if the answer is yes or no. If the answer is yes you have to jump and if the answer is no you have to sit down. Use your blending skills to read words and don't forget to look out for the 'tricky words'.

 Session 12: Blankety Blank

Can you help find the missing sounds? See if you can write them at home.

 Session 13 Part 1: Magic Words

Use your magical powers to reveal the invisible words.

 Session 13 Part 2: Build a Word

You will need to make these flash cards before playing this game.



Session 14: Egg Smash

Blend the letter sounds to read the words, the fake words will be smashed...!